Atlanta '06
Ted & Diane Leahy
Monika & Rolf Stute
Diane & Ted Leahy and Monika & Rolf Stute co-hosted the Sixth Annual Shanghai Expatriate Reunion in Atlanta, Georgia on October 5 – 8th, 2006. We selected The Marriott Suites Atlanta Midtown Hotel as reunion headquarters.
What a memorable southern hospitality event. On Thursday, October 5th, there was golf for several foursomes while others toured The Swan House at the Atlanta History Center. We also saw the Tullie Smith House, one of Atlanta's few antebellum-era houses. We enjoyed a light lunch on grounds.
On Friday, October 6th, a group of people went to Stone Mountain, claimed to be the largest exposed granite "stone" in the world. Everyone enjoyed the many attractions in the park. That evening everyone attending that year’s reunion went to the “Meet N’ Greet” which was held in a private room in the hotel.
Saturday, October 7th, a.m., we had our general tour of Atlanta, to include Georgia’s new Aquarium, the largest in the world, the Fox Theater, Martin Luther King's grave site, Jimmy Carter's Museum, and the Cyclorama. Later that night, we hosted our annual banquet at The City Grill, which is located in the Hurt Building, originally the Federal Reserve Bank, built in 1912. Door prizes were given and we voted on the following year’s reunion city. Way back in 2004 we voted for Memphis, Tennessee as the '07 reunion, hosted by the Amman’s.
Each year the group gets larger and friendships grow and hopefully the 10th anniversary will see us all back in Shanghai to once again experience that magical city.
We hope this has sparked your interest in our group and look forward to your joining us when you have the opportunity; it is a great way to keep up with friends made in China and a great excuse to continue to travel and see more of the world.